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A Case Study of the Fashion Brands Marketing via Metaverse 2022-05-18 14:16:10
작성자  cj100 정보없음 조회  351   |   추천  58





The purpose of this study is to investigate the types and characteristics of fashion brands marketing via metaverse by analyzing such cases in the digital fashion environment. To this end, the concept and the current status of metaverse were examined by collecting relevant data from prior research, literature, and the domestic and foreign media’s press releases. The cases of the fashion brands marketing via metaverse were classified into 4 types and 5 characteristics, respectively, and a plan was devised for the application of fashion brand marketing based on the following research results. First, fashion brands use metaverse or its relevant type in a complex manner. Second, the current fashion brands marketing via metaverse is composed of Virtual Worlds and lifelogging. Third, presence and interoperability were found to be the core characteristics of the metaverse marketing. Based on the research results, the fashion brands marketing via metaverse can be applied by focusing on Virtual Fitting services using the VR and AR technologies, considering the creation of added values through the development digitally scarce products, and implementing a strategy to promote the brand identity by combining storytelling reflective of the brand philosophy and the contents of metaverse.



 A Case Study of the Fashion Brands Marketing via Metaverse


 김민수, 노영희








 The Journal of Transdisciplinary Studies


 Vol.6, No.1, pp.57-76


 [원문으로 이동]


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