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A Study on the General Center for Convergence Research Satisfaction of Humanities and Social Science 2022-05-18 14:11:11
작성자  cj100 정보없음 조회  391   |   추천  72





The purpose of this study to analyze the perception of the general center for convergence research through the satisfaction analysis of the general center for convergence research at the present time when the ripple effect of convergence research has continued to increase. To carry out the study, a total of 74 questionnaires were collected from November 5 to 10, 2021, and 74 were used for the analysis. The results of the study are as follows. First, it was found that the convergence researchers have a very high level of overall satisfaction with the general center for convergence research. Second, it was found that all of the roles played by the general center for convergence research were generally important for the convergence researchers. Therefore, in terms of the general center for convergence research, it is essential to play a role that the convergence researchers recognize as important. It should be established as a general center for convergence research that can support researchers with a useful role.



 A Study on the General Center for Convergence Research Satisfaction of Humanities and Social Sciences-based Convergence Researchers


 노영희, 김진희








 The Journal of Transdisciplinary Studies


 Vol.6, No.1, pp.15-27


 [원문으로 이동]


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