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동서의학 융합연구: 개념, 유형, 활성화를 위한 제언 2020-07-14 09:53:40
작성자  cj100 정보없음 조회  407   |   추천  72



 In this paper, we try to define and classify the concepts of Convergent Research of Korean-Western Medicine (CRKWM) to clarify the goals of research. In addition, some suggestions that are necessary to promote the CRKWM were made. The results are as follows. First, the CRKWM should be used as a concept that refers to ‘interdisciplinary research’ jointly conducted by experts in both Korean and Western medicines beyond their own fields. Second, True CRKWM is an “eclectic combination of East-West” that combines the advantages of traditional Korean medicine and western medicine to create a new field; it is necessary to redefine the concept of ‘Integrative medicine’, which is used in different context by the traditional Korean medicine and western fields in Korea, as an “eclectic combination of East-West” type. Third, In order to promote the CRKWM, it is necessary to convert the current dual medical system of relativism to one of pluralism. Forth, In order for CRKWM to be promoted, methodologies, theories, and models that become the backbones of convergence should be developed. As of now, systems medicine and network science are the best fit. Fifthly, In order to promote convergent clinical research, the development of Korean-Western diagnostic model that integrates the pathologies of Western medicine and symptoms of Korean medicine is urgent. Lastly, Mutual understanding between Korean and Western medicine fields should be preceded in order for CRKWM to be stimulated.


동서의학 융합연구: 개념, 유형, 활성화를 위한 제언












제 33권 6호, pp.311-321


 [원문으로 이동]

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