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Using English Songs in the adult EFL classroom 2019-02-07 15:07:40
작성자  cj100 정보없음 조회  438   |   추천  85



 This study investigates the correlation between listening to songs and effective learning in the EFL classroom. A review of the theoretical and research evidence on English songs and education is presented in this paper. The study analyzes the effects of using songs in the EFL classroom on all four language skills: listening, speaking, writing and reading.
 The study draw a conclusion that songs attract students’ attention by presenting English in a more natural way than any of the existing textbooks. Most importantly, songs offer listening aids, helping students to improve their listening skill and extend their vocabulary ability. The aim of this paper is to promote better understanding of the effectiveness of English songs as a great teaching tool in the EFL classroom and to suggest language teachers to use songs in their language teaching.


 Using English Songs in the adult EFL classroom

- A Convergent Study of English Education and the Popular Music

  (성인 영어교육을 위한 영어노래 활용 제안 : 영어교육과 대중음악의 융합적 연구)


 Lee, Woo Joo, Chol, In Soon










 Vol.31, 2017.12, 283-291 (9 pages)


 [원문으로 이동]

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