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융합 Times
인문사회기반 융합연구 정책 방향 2022-05-18 13:56:54
작성자  cj100 정보없음 조회  158   |   추천  25






(Purpose) It is necessary to provide a specialized and organic system that links humanities and social science-based convergence research into a true meaning of 'humanities and social science-based' convergence research, and tailored support to focus on solving practical social problems, expanding the base of convergence, and linking the spread of results. (Design/methodology/approach) This study attempted to lay the groundwork for the convergence research policy by conducting a survey on convergence researchers, and the survey subjects received orders from the Korea Research Foundation from 2009 to the present to collect information on researchers who have experience in convergence research. The targets are co-researchers, professional researchers, and senior researchers. (Findings) in this study, we tried to propose a policy to realize this. Proposed policies include support for revitalization of local humanities and students, establishment and support of the Korean Federation of Humanities and Social Organizations, a system for discovering and supporting convergence research agenda and agenda research support, securing and supporting convergence talent and convergence researchers, construction and utilization of convergence content, and humanities. Technology convergence enterprise innovation and business model discovery and commercialization, Convergence Research Korea (CRK) project as a brand business, etc. (Research implications or Originality) The effects that can be obtained through the results of this study can be presented in three main ways. First, based on the policy proposed in this study, it is possible to present a direction for fostering future-adaptive convergence talents. Second, it will be possible to spread social problem-solving convergence research. Third, it will have the effect of proving and commercializing the value of humanities and convergence research.



 인문사회기반 융합연구 정책 방향


 이상엽, 노영희










 Vol.25, No.4, pp.287-310


 [원문으로 이동]


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