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인문사회기반 융합연구의 사회문제 대응과 기술영향평가 2020-11-05 14:54:32
작성자  cj100 정보없음 조회  430   |   추천  47





(Purpose) Active use of Technology Assessment for convergence research is needed to diagnose social benefits and social problems caused by convergence research and seek solutions. In this study, we looked at the implications of humanistic and social-based convergence research by participating in the Technology Assessment in solving social problems. (Design/methodology/approach) We analyzed the reasons why TA is needed for convergence research and what implications can be expected through overseas case studies and framework analysis. (Findings) The TA carried out by KISTEP is that of combined methodology of participatory (discussive)TA since 2006, which originally started with the original method NBIT Convergence Study in 2003. Comparing with the TA cases conducted abroad, the problems of TA in our country were the conflict of methodologies, the limitation of the function of practical policy proposals due to TA demanders' problems, etc.. (Research implications or Originality) To solve these problems, diversification, independence, and upgrading of the methodology of the institutions carrying out TA are required, and these problems are expected to be sufficiently positive and uplifting synergies if the specificity and expertise of the researchers carrying out the humanities and social-based convergence research are utilized.


 인문사회기반 융합연구의 사회문제 대응과 기술영향평가


 노영희, 이상엽, 박민수










 Vol.24, No.3


 [원문으로 이동]


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- 이전글 : 인문사회기반 융합연구자들의 HubCon 컨퍼런스 참여와 의미 분석 - HubCon 컨퍼런스를 중심으로 - 2020-11-05 14:41:49
- 다음글 : 융합연구의 활성화를 위한 연구 성과와 정책 결정의 영향 관계에 관한 연구 2020-11-05 14:57:06